Welcome to Keys Of Faith Ministries , The city of refuge where we empower God’s people to think worship and live through the motivation of love.
New to keys of faith ministries?
We are so happy to meet you & to let you know all the great things God is doing at KOF.
We want to inspire, encourage & give the tools you need to live a life that glorifies God!
Have you heard of 7 days of prayer? 7 days of prayer start each month on the very first day of the month. Each day includes an hour of prayer and the first Friday is spent as worship night.
Our Christian Education is designed to bring all of our Small Groups together, and share in a time of celebration . We come together to worship, learn, pray and grow. Sunday School begins at 10:30 AM.
It’s super easy to keep up with us via social media. Click the like button below to follow our page!
Our Mission
Keys Of Faith Ministries, Empowering GOD’S people to Think, Worship, Live and Love!
Think -Actively using one`s mind and body to form connected ideas unto GOD.
Worship- The giving of our entire selves, our thoughts and our emotions for GOD’S use.
Live- To experience life more abundantly and attain eternal life through the power of GOD’S word.
Love-Trust in GOD, be faithful to your family and patient with the world around you.
Our Vision
Keys Of Faith Ministries is a nondenominational ministry transforming our communities and nation by faith through the word of GOD, Sowing seed and training up a particular army of people to carry out GOD’S promises, principles and prophecies.